
Since the early 1960s, a man by the name of Harold Smith, was a local moonshiner. As the story was told to me, he supplied most of Camden county New Jersey. As time moved on, my mother developed a strong Grandfather-Granddaughter relationship with him. And when my mother became pregnant with me, Raymond L. Farmer, he was the first person she told she was having a baby. He was so happy and proud. Soon after he pasted. I never knew my Great-grandfather. But as my mother use to tell me stories about him, she would tell me I remind her of him. But she always kept from me that he sold liquor.

When I decided to build this company, that’s when she revealed that my Great grandfather was a “bootlegger…moonshiner”, and she felt I inherited his love for the craft. I spoke to my Grand Uncle Harold Smith and he told me more about his father (my Great Grandfather). So I decided to call the distillery H.J. Smith Distillers, LLC, in honor of my Great Grandfather. The Spirit lives on in me to make a premium liquor, that I hope everyone will enjoy as much, as I enjoy making and producing these fine spirits.